
Meet Option at SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference & Exhibition

Written by Per-Allan Røsand | 08/02/23 10:04

We look forward to seeing you at this year's Drilling Conference in Stavanger from March 7th to 9th. 

Join us at the International Drilling Conference and explore how to make offshore operations pain-free with seamless ICT infrastructure.

Stand Location: 56
Option works as your single point of contact for all ICT issues. By delivering a solid core-infrastructure, 24/7 help desk and a close partnership with all the major stakeholders your operations will run smoothly.
At this year's conference we will showcase a new collaboration workstation setup.The setup allows you to cut down on mobilization and demobilization time during operator changes, while simultaneously increase cyber-security, flexibility, reliability and better the work environment. 

Showcasing the new standard according to ISO 11226:2000 

Come by our stand for a demonstration or a chat about ICT solutions. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

To ensure we are available feel free to reserve a 15 min demonstration slot with an Option representative!  


At this years Drilling conference you will meet:

Per Allan Røsand
Arne Martin Meling
Account Manager
Reidar Jørgensen
Business Development Manager